Prerequisite Coursework in Rhode Island
Generally speaking, states require that certified teachers hold, at a minimum, a bachelor’s degree. There are some states that have requirements for coursework in particular subjects, or undergraduate credit hour requirements in order to be certified in specialty areas. For initial certification, Rhode Island only requires that applicants complete an approved Educator Preparation program.
Rhode Island Teacher Certification Programs
Teacher certification programs can be taken online or on-site. They typically include courses on educational theory, classroom skills seminars, and a fieldwork component of student teaching at a local school. A list of teacher preparation programs approved by the Rhode Island Department of Education can be found on the agency’s website.
Required Tests for Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Department of Education requires applicants for Initial Licensure complete certification area-specific tests administered by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Pearson, and ETS – specifically, from its Praxis Series. A full list of the tests necessary for each certification area can be found on the Department of Education website.
You can learn more about the Praxis exams by visiting Teach.coms’ Guide to the Praxis Exams and read more about teacher certification tests on Teach.com.
Initial Teaching Certifications
The Rhode Island Department of Education issues educator certifications.Professional Educator Certificates, which require the demonstration of competencies, successful performance on assessments, and completion of field experience, are valid for five years and may be renewed for the same period.