Online Counseling Degrees
The field of counseling is a very broad one, featuring a variety of different roles, career paths, and education requirements. From working with students as a school counselor to working to help people of all ages cope with mental health concerns as a mental health counselor, and many roles in between, there are no shortage of opportunities for those interested in the field of counseling.
Starting a career in counseling, whether you are a younger student or a mid-career professional, can be a very daunting and confusing task. There are many different paths and titles within the overarching term “counseling” and a variety of different options to pursue a career in therapy and counseling. Mastering the terminology alone is a complex task, and perusing a comprehensive glossary of counseling terms could be extremely helpful in starting to get a feel for the field.
In the 21st century it might be the case that the easiest, most efficient, and most cost effective way to gain an advanced degree in counseling is through online education. Online degrees in counseling and related fields are a valuable way to secure a degree, and your dream career, while continuing to hold down a job and only having to take courses in your free time.
Check out our degree profiles and career snapshots below by clicking on the field that most interests you!