Online Social Work Degrees
Although a bachelor’s degree in social work is a common degree offering from colleges across the country, this degree alone does not open the doors to a wide range of career options. Oftentimes, an advanced degree in the field of social work is required to pursue a fulfilling and worthwhile career path.
The most common advanced social work degree offering is the master of social work (MSW), although doctorate of social work programs are also featured in many universities. Master of social work programs focus on developing well-rounded, socially conscious students who are prepared to advocate for the well-being of the people they serve. This could take place as a school social worker, on the government level, in a grassroots organization, or an entirely different setting!
It is quite common for those looking to advance their career by obtaining an MSW to be already working full time in a field related to social work or, occasionally, something drastically different. Either way, it is imperative for these individuals to be able to complete their education without sacrificing their current income. The best way to do this is through obtaining an online degree in social work, rather than relocate or pause their life for an in-person program. Luckily, many online programs for students of social work.
For more information about the process of earning an MSW online, check out our guide on the topic: